Only 10 minutes away from the hotel you can find Mehmed’s bakery and enjoy the smell and taste of freshly baked bread, rolls and somun.
100 years of family tradition had transformed Poričanin’s bakery in one of the most emblematic places in the city of Sarajevo. Its history goes back to 1923 when Mehmed‘s uncle, Muharem Poričanin, opened a bakery near the Military Hospital. When that space was demolished in 1953 due to hospital necessities, Muharem moved the bakery to its actual location.

At the beginning, the bakery was a service, people used to bring flour and Mehmed and his uncle and aunt baked the bread. It was not until 1953, with the opening of the bakery in its new location, when the business really started.Mehmed says that he was not born in the bakery, but thatnb he has spent all his life there.
His uncles never had children of their own so they raised him as if he was theirs. From an early age he started helping his uncles and learning the profession which he would fall in love with.
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In my lifetime I have heard so many beautiful stories from around the world, without leaving my bakery.”
"It is always nice to meet another human and start a conversation. The world (Dunjaluk) is full of flowers, each with its own story. In my lifetime I have heard so many beautiful stories from around the world, without leaving my bakery.”
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